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Ron Wilkinson

The author has had an undying interest in naval warfare and the Royal Navy in particular from a very early age. He is also, a very keen ship modeler, with many models winning awards. He has written in many modelling magazines over the years, on various warship articles. He served thirty-five years in the civil aviation field and fifteen years patrolling the motorways. Now retired, he has the time to turn to his first love, the Royal Navy.


  • End of the Beginning


    Captain Alan Lee, has survived the sinking of his beloved HMS Preston. He reports to the Admiralty for a new, more dangerous, and challenging post. Will the demons in his head return?

  • In Our Darkest Hour


    World War II is in full swing, and Captain Alan Lee and the crew of the cruiser Preston are on the front line. Escorting convoys of troops and precious cargo, Preston is called upon.

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