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Paul Belz

Paul Geoffrey Belz is a writer and a science and nature educator who loves to explore the mountains, streams, and forests near Chico, California, where he lives with his partner Kate Roark. His poetry and prose appear in a range of magazines and anthologies, and on several websites. His many passions include international travel and adventures in the United States, vegetarian cooking, a range of books and films, and creative work with kids. He also loves long walks around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, his original hometown.
His book about the human and natural history of Chico, California's Bidwell Park is scheduled for publication later this year.



  • Sometimes the Soul Needs Chocolate: Pandemic Odes


    This book is a collage of one North American writer's thoughts, feelings, and impressions during the early Covid-19 Pandemic years, 2020 - 2021. Political crises and climate change-driven wildfires combined with the virus' chaos and drove many people to anger, panic, and despair.

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